ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) has a number of codes and standards that relate to non-destructive testing (NDT). Here is a list of some of the ASME codes and standards that are relevant to NDT:
- ASME B31.3: Process Piping
- ASME B31.4: Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
- ASME B31.8: Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
- ASME BPVC (Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Section V: Nondestructive Examination
- ASME BPVC Section IX: Welding and Brazing Qualifications
- ASME BPVC Section XI: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
- ASME BPVC Section XV: Rules for Construction and Inservice Inspection of Transport Tank
- ASME NQA-1: Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications
- ASME N510: Standard for Qualification of Radiographic Personnel
- ASME N513: Standard for Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing Personnel
- ASME N514: Standard for Qualification of Magnetic Particle Testing Personnel
- ASME N516: Standard for Qualification of Liquid Penetrant Testing Personnel
- ASME N523: Standard for Qualification of Eddy Current Testing Personnel
- ASME N524: Standard for Qualification of Acoustic Emission Testing Personnel
- ASME N525: Standard for Qualification of Infrared and Thermal Testing Personnel
- ASME N526: Standard for Qualification of Visual Testing Personnel
- ASME N527: Standard for Qualification of Leak Testing Personnel
- ASME N541: Standard for Qualification of Testing Agencies and Personnel for the Qualification of Welding Procedures, Welders, and Welding Operators
- ASME N542: Standard for Qualification of Testing Agencies and Personnel for the Qualification of Welding Procedures, Welders, and Welding Operators for Use in the Construction of Pressure Vessels
- ASME NQA-2: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Facility Applications
- ASME NQA-3: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Components
- ASME NQA-4: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Materials
- ASME NQA-5: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Valves
- ASME NQA-6: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Piping
- ASME NQA-7: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Electrical and Electronic Components
- ASME NQA-8: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
- ASME NQA-9: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Rotating Equipment
- ASME NQA-10: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Structures, Systems, and Components
- ASME NQA-11: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Non-Structural Components
- ASME NQA-12: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Civil Structures
- ASME NQA-13: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Systems
- ASME NQA-14: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Concrete Structures
- ASME NQA-15: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Concrete Reinforcing Steel
- ASME NQA-16: Standard for Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plant Post-Construction Materials