Automated Pipeline Inspection (AUT)
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Automated UT inspection of steel mill work rolls :
Automated UT inspection of steel mill work rolls :
We currently use eddy current flaw detection techniques in our roll grinding shop. I am interested in enhancing the process by
: combining this with automated surface wave and through body UT inspection.
: Can the panel indicate the level of crack resolution I am likely to achieve and suggest the best type of phased array transducer
: for this purpose.
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Scanning with a conventional surface wave transducer would be more cost effective than a phased array system. The depth of penetration of a surface wave is approximately 0.5 wavelength so higher frequencies would give good reflections from most cracks while lower frequecies would reflect well only from deeper cracks. However, a very smooth surface finish is required for surface wave inspection.
We understand that some rework stations mount UT equipment on the lathe and inspect the roller as it is machined.
Also, more traditional angle beam or creeping wave techniques should be considered.
Tom Carodiskey
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