Intelligent Pigging
Welcome to [NDT Inspection Portal]’s intelligent pigging group, a place for professionals to connect... View more
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NDT-Inspect started the discussion Intelligent pigging in the forum Intelligent Pigging 2 years ago
Intelligent pigging is a non-invasive method of inspecting pipelines and other infrastructure. It involves the use of specialized pigs, also known as intelligent pigs or smart pigs, which are equipped with sensors and other technology that can collect data and perform inspections as they travel through pipelines. Intelligent pigging is used in…
NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group Intelligent Pigging 2 years ago
Intelligent pigging is considered to be one of the fastest and most efficient methods of inspecting pipelines. Intelligent pigging uses specialized equipment, known as pigs, to detect and diagnose problems in pipelines.
Pigs are devices that are inserted into the pipeline and propelled along its length using the flow of the pipeline’s contents.…
NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group Intelligent Pigging 2 years ago
Intelligent pigging is a type of nondestructive testing (NDT) used in the oil and gas industry to inspect and evaluate the condition of pipelines. Intelligent pigging involves the use of a specialized tool known as a pipeline inspection gauge (PIG), which is designed to travel through the pipeline and perform a range of inspections…
NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group Intelligent Pigging 2 years ago
Pipeline Integrity and Difficult To Pig Pipelines
• What is Pigging ?
• Why Pig ?
• Pipeline Design
• Pipeline Operations
• Types of Pigs
• When to Pig ?
• Pigging Safety
• Pipeline Cleaning
• Geometry Inspection
• Metal Loss Inspection
• Crack Inspection
• Inhibition
doug posted an update in the group Intelligent Pigging 3 years ago
Advances in Magnetic Pipeline Inspection