Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)
Welcome to [NDT Inspection Portal]’s magnetic flux leakage (MFL) group, a place for professionals... View more
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luis-lima started the discussion Engine Floormap 3di in the forum Magnetic Flux Leakage 6 months ago
Hello friends! I wonder if anyone has the technical references of the 3di floormap engine?
I need one. Silvering no longer sells it, and I need it to replace it on my machine.
I thank everyone for any information!
avinash-rathod and NDT-Inspect -
luis-lima posted an update in the group
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) 6 months ago
6 months ago (edited)
Hello friends! I wonder if anyone has the technical references of the 3di floormap engine?
I need one. Silvering no longer sells it, and I need it to replace it on my machine.
I thank everyone for any information!
luis-lima started the discussion Divergence in Coordinates in the forum Magnetic Flux Leakage a year ago
In the generation of the PDF report and Excel spreadsheet files, the values of the coordinates diverge. Can anyone say why this divergence?
Thank you all
luis-lima and maria -
nde replied to the discussion Local Scan in the forum Magnetic Flux Leakage a year ago
I am no expert in MFL but I can provide this link that might explain some things:
Its Floormap3Di Training Presentation Notes. You can download and have a read.
luis-lima started the discussion Floormap 3Di in the forum Magnetic Flux Leakage 2 years ago
Hello everybody!
I’m getting to know the MFL technique, I installed the software on my pc but I don’t have the key or serial for some equipment.
Floormap 3Di software unlock key.
NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) 2 years ago
MFL testing, also known as magnetic flux leakage testing, is a type of nondestructive testing (NDT) method used to detect and evaluate defects in ferromagnetic materials, such as steel and iron. The test is performed by applying a magnetic field to the material and then using sensors to measure the magnetic flux, or the flow of magnetic energy,…
mohamed-ali-bagath joined the group
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) 3 years ago
doug posted an update in the group
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) 3 years ago
Silverwing MFL 3D floormap training presentation.