Environmental Concerns

  • Environmental Concerns

    Posted by thomas on 14/10/2021 at 6:07 pm

    Environmental Concerns
    Although they are a necessary part of the use and transportation of assorted petroleum products, there are environmental concerns with the construction and operation of pipelines that vary depending on how and where the pipelines are being built. Some of the concerns include:[6]
    • Reduction of air quality as a result of dust production during construction and emissions due to the combustion of fossil fuels used for construction equipment.
    • Increased noise pollution as a result of construction and pumping stations.
    • Soil erosion and contamination from construction and any leaks.
    • Loss of plant life as a result of construction, surface disturbances, and changes in water flows.
    • Water resource disturbances in terms of quantity and quality as a result of erosion, herbicides, and leaks.
    Pipelines have been constructed extensively for many years and thus there are numerous steps taken to minimize any environmental effects. The environmental impacts cannot be avoided entirely, only reduced. Although these issues are all concerning, most people are concerned with a rupture in a pipeline and a spill. A spill of petroleum products can cause significant environmental damage and pose a risk to human health—as they can burn, contain toxic chemicals, and pollute groundwater. However, pipeline ruptures are not extremely common, but they do occur. Older pipelines are much more vulnerable to rupture as a result of corrosion. Although large scale ruptures do not occur frequently, there were 758 small scale ruptures in Alberta pipelines between 1990 and 2005 with fewer occurring each year.[6] Even small spills can affect the environment, but the impacts vary drastically depending on where the spill occurs. Large scale ruptures release between 1000 and 10 000 cubic meters of liquids and do not occur as frequently.

    thomas replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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