Pressure vessel and boiler inspection
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External Temporary Repair of a pressure vessel other than fillet welded patch!!!
External Temporary Repair of a pressure vessel other than fillet welded patch!!!
During external inspection evidence of a minor seepage observed at the bottom of the shell of a vessel used as a separator. Upon UT around this area thickness loss was observed. This seepage point is at the mid way of a nozzle & saddle support. Its distance from weld seam of reinforcement
pad(saddle support) & nozzle weld is same i.e. about 4″. This nozzle also affected around its weld premises i.e. within 2″ around weld seam.
It is best to take this vessel out of service & go for internal inspection but if internal entry is not possible (due to operational reasons) immediately, than we need to go for external repair.
Now if we go for fillet welded patch covering both areas (i.e. nozzle & low thickness area), external fillet weld of nozzle need to be flushed before the application of pad.
Does any other temporary repair method acceptable instead of this fillet welded patch that will sustain for longer period?? Should we use cold repair insteadVessel Specifications:
Dimensions = 60” OD x 20’S/S
Design Temperature = 100 F
Joint Efficiency = 0.85
MAWP = 50 PSI At 100 °F
Operating pressure = 30 – 35 psig
Radiography = RT 3 (spot)
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