Terminologies of Thermography

  • Terminologies of Thermography

    Posted by luna on 13/10/2021 at 9:02 pm

    Thermography refers to the visualization of thermograms, and encompasses all thermographic inspection techniques regardless of the technique used. For instance, a temperature sensitive coating applied to a surface to measure its temperature fields is a thermographic inspection contact technique based on heat conduction, and no infrared sensor is involved.

    Infrared thermography specifically refers to a nonintrusive, noncontact mapping of thermograms on the surface of objects using a detector that is sensitive to infrared radiation.

    There are many other terms widely used, all referring to infrared thermography; the adoption of specific term(s) depends on the author’s background and preferences. For instance, video thermography and thermal imaging draw attention to the acquisition of a temporal sequence of images that may be displayed as a movie. Pulse-echo thermography and thermal wave imagin are adopted to emphasize the wave nature of heat. Pulsed video thermography, transient thermography,and flash thermography are used when the specimen is stimulated using a short energy pulse.

    luna replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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