Reply To: Welding in Railway track

  • Welding


    27/11/2021 at 10:55 pm

    Standards for Rail Weld inspection vary widely, and it also depends what welding method is used – Flash-butt welding is normally checked using magnetic particle inspection (EN14587/ ISO17638) , and aluminothermic ‘welding’ is normally checked ultrasonically.

    Broadly, I would suggest using the standards that correspond to other rail inspection work on the Network – Its a very long time since I had any involvement with Peru, and as I recall their main rail networks are fairly unusual, so the subway may be different.

    Standards / procedures you may want to look at include:

    Australia – ARTC Manual for NDT of Rail ETN-01-04

    General EN14730 – Aluminothermic welding of new rails

    UK RT/CE/S/055 Rail Testing, Ultrasonic procedures, (Procedure U6 is relevant)

    You might also be interested in the approach we developed for London Underground – Contact me if you need more info.