Cathodic Protection
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tcgjr started the discussion Is "stray current testing" a misnomer? in the forum Cathodic Protection a year ago
Is "stray current testing" a misnomer?
AFAIK, stray current testing consists of measuring the potential (voltage) between two locations (typically 30-meters or 100-feet apart*) using a high impedance voltmeter or datalogger.
A fixed criteria of typically 50-mV is used to determine if there are possible damaging currents in the electrolyte.
- 1. Since only potential is being measured,…
NDT-Inspect started the discussion Why would Cathodic protection fail? in the forum Cathodic Protection 2 years ago
Why would Cathodic protection fail?
There are several reasons why cathodic protection systems can fail. Some common causes of failure include:
Inadequate design: If the cathodic protection system is not properly designed for the specific application, it may not provide sufficient protection against corrosion.
Poor installation: If the cathodic protection system is not…
NDT-Inspect started the discussion Examples of the use of cathodic protection in the forum Cathodic Protection 2 years ago
Examples of the use of cathodic protection
There are many examples of the use of cathodic protection in various industries:
Oil and gas: Cathodic protection is commonly used to protect pipelines and storage tanks in the oil and gas industry.
Marine: Cathodic protection is used to protect ships, offshore platforms, and other marine structures from corrosion caused by…
NDT-Inspect started the discussion How Cathodic Protection Works in the forum Cathodic Protection 2 years ago
Cathodic protection is a method used to protect metal structures, such as pipelines, tanks, and ships, from corrosion. It works by using an electrical current to reduce the corrosion of the metal.
There are two main types of cathodic protection: galvanic cathodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection.
In galvanic cathodic…
NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group
Cathodic Protection 2 years ago
Cathodic protection is a technique used to prevent the corrosion of metal structures, such as pipelines, ships, and offshore platforms.
It works by using an electric current to create a protective coating on the metal surface, which prevents the formation of rust and other corrosion products. In cathodic protection systems, a direct current…