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ASME SEC-V : 2019 /ASME SNT TC 1A-2016 Edition NDT Audit
ASME SEC-V : 2019 /ASME SNT TC 1A-2016 Edition NDT Audit
ASME QCM Manual clause No.: XX – NDE Personal qualification to meet the requirement and ASNT -SNT -TC-IA Code adopted edition-2016 and as amended by the Mandatory appendix -II & III to article -1 of ASME SEC-V Code compliance -2019.
NDT written Practice established (RT/UT/MT/PT) : Training, examination, Qualification and Certification clause No.: XXX .NDE Level-III “ Education, Training and Experience requirements for NDE Level-III are satisfied if the individual holds a current ASNT NDT Level-III Certificate in the specific NDE Method”.
Separate VT written practice established and this procedure was prepared by AWS-CWI/CSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspector. Also noticed that ASNT SNT-TC-IA Reference was not included in the written practice for training hours, qualification and certification.
Mandatory Appendix-III ASME: 4.4 Article -1: Paragraph 4.3.3 an NDE Level III individual shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to develop, qualify, and approve procedures, establish and approve techniques, interpret codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; and designate the NDE methods, techniques, and procedures to be used. —————. The NDE Level III, in the methods in which certified, shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to be capable of training and examining NDE Level I, II, and III personnel for certification in those methods.Mandatory Appendix-III ASME Sec.V: 1.1 Paragraph 1.4 when developing a written practice as required in ASME Section V, the employer shall review and include the detailed recommendations presented in SNT-TC-1A–2016 and ASME Section V including this Mandatory Appendix. Modifications that reduce or eliminate basic provisions of the program such as training, experience, testing, and recertification shall not be allowed.
Mandatory Appendix-III ASME Sec.V: 3.0 As described in SNT-TC-1A paragraph 3.0 Non-destructive Testing Methods subparagraph 3.1.
3.1 Paragraph 3.1 Qualifications and certifications of NDE personnel in accordance with ASME Section V
are applicable to the following methods:
Acoustic Emission Testing
Electromagnetic Testing
Guided Wave Testing
Leak Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing
Radiographic Testing
Visual Testing and
Ultrasonic TestingI Went for NDT Audit and issued NCR: Non -conformance Issued to Vessel Manufacturer as per ASME SEC-VIII DIV.1:
Case -1A) Visual Examination Work procedure and Written practice for Visual Inspector established and reviewed/Certified by NDT level-3 (RT/UT/MT/PT) Methods. It was not meeting as per ASME SEC-V Mandatory appendix -III of Arctile-1 and this procedure was prepared by AWS-CWI/CSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspector. Also noticed that ASNT SNT-TC-IA Reference was not included in the written practice and training hours, qualification and certification as per written practice.
B) Visual Examination: ASME Article -9 Visual Testing demonstrated (Essential /Non-Essential Variables) and found that no evidence of NDT VT level-III individual holds a current ASNT NDT Level-III Certificate in the specific NDE Method as per ASME SNT-TC-IA: 2016 Edition requirement.
The above NCR denied by code user ASME SEC-VIII DIV.I and Response was :
“VT Demonstration- What demonstration we have done for VT, Level -III involvement is not required as per our Code of Construction”.Case -2 : Hydro static pressure Test was for a Pressure Vessel manufacture as per Pressure Test Procedure. It was accepted by concern Inspectors.
Auditor was asked to Manufacture : Pressure Test is coming under Leak Testing Method (NDT) as a Pressure Change Test technique. It was observed that no demonstration of ASME SEC-V Article -10 and no training, qualification and certification was not established in your written practice except NDT -RT/UT/MT/PT. No NDT level -3 reviewed and approved your testing procedure. It was not meeting ASME SEC-V: 2017 /ASNT TC-1A : 2016 (NDE Personal qualification to meet the requirement and ASNT -SNT -TC-IA Code adopted edition-2016 and as amended by the Mandatory appendix -II & III to article -1 of ASME SEC-V Code compliance -2019.)Manufacture reply : Declined NCR
“Hydrostatic Test and Pneumatic Test – what is written in our QCM and Procedure is in accordance with AME Section I, VIII Division 1,&2 , ASME B31.1 and NBIC Code (Repair and Alteration) which do not refer ASME Section V , Articl-1 and 10 for carryout pressure Test. So, It is not required to make any changes in our established System” .Please any one advice to me the above cases .It is acceptable as per Manufacturer standpoint of view or as per Auditor point is it acceptable to take decision accordingly?
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