What is ANSI?

  • What is ANSI?

    Posted by sofia on 14/10/2021 at 10:33 am

    The American National Standards Institute, abbreviated as ANSI, was founded in 1918 and mainly focuses on overseeing standards for products, processes, systems, and services offered in the United States. The organization is made up of members from government agencies, companies, corporations and organizations, and scholars from a variety of academic fields.

    ANSI works to solidify the position of the US in the global market by establishing standards for products and services. Their goal is to ensure that the features and performance levels of items created in the US are consistent and up to par.

    Additionally, ANSI accredits organizations that produce products and train personnel to meet their established standards and requirements. They consistently monitor that products and services are meeting their standards, and update these performance requirements as needed. They also play a role in some initiatives related to environmental conservation.

    sofia replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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