Reply To: NDT Regulatory Standards and Publications

  • Codes and Standards


    27/11/2021 at 11:15 pm NDT of Metal 9. ASTM Standards list: Of course there are lot other institutions having the same or similar list on their pages, in their text books, in their training documents – sometimes refined for special industrial sectors like Aerospace, Pipe Welding, Maritime, Windmill etc. Basically I would prefer the pages of the standardizing bodies like ASTM, DIN, EN, BSI or the NDT societies like ASNT, EFNDT … as there you have the best chance to get the most actual lists. In the first step I thought, maybe should also provide such a list to make it more comfortable to have the complete overview as the different Standardization organizations could maybe only focus on their own standards – but if you browse through my link list, you can easily see: most list give you an overview about all standards which are important.