VOGT Ultrasonics awarded innovation champion

  • VOGT Ultrasonics awarded innovation champion

    Posted by sofia on 15/10/2021 at 4:05 pm

    Let go of the old and try something new. VOGT Ultrasonics convinced the jury in the 27th round of the TOP 100 innovation competition. The team of VOGT Ultrasonics is very pleased to officially belong to the TOP 100. In the scientific selection process, we convinced in size class B (51 to 200 employees) especially in the category “Innovative Processes and Organization”.

    Since our foundation in 1983, we have been your specialist for non destructive material testing and are very proud to continue to do pioneering work in our field of ultrasonic testing. Thus we introduced the digital ultrasonic testing method in Germany at an early stage. The field of application of this technology is large and cross-industry. We inspect highly stressed components such as bearing rings of wind power plants, components of high-speed trains and e-mobility as well as turbine disks of aircraft turbines and thus make the world a little bit safer every day.

    In addition to the development of completely new technology applications, innovative improvements to existing solutions also play an important role for us. Since 2019, for example, we have been offering an inspection solution for imaging phased array ultrasonic inspection of spot welds using robots. Göran Vogt (Managing Director of VOGT Ultrasonics): “In the course of Industry 4.0 networking, we are able to implement a ‘manless’ ultrasonic inspection of spot welds in the body shell of the automotive industry.” The inspection results achieved by the robot are further processed via the pro-duction network and stored for each spot weld. In this way, production faults can be detected and avoided at an early stage by correlating of the inspection data with the welding data.

    sofia replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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