Visual Inspection
Welcome to [NDT Inspection Portal]’s visual inspection group, a place for professionals to connect... View more
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NDT-Inspect posted an update in the group
Visual Inspection 2 years ago
Visual inspection is a type of nondestructive testing (NDT) method that uses the human eye to detect and evaluate defects in materials or components. Visual inspection is performed by trained and certified personnel, who use their eyesight, along with specialized lighting and inspection aids, to examine the surface of the material or…
mohamed-ali-bagath joined the group
Visual Inspection 2 years ago
noizyboy posted an update in the group
Visual Inspection 3 years ago
A crack was visually detected on the heat exchanger baffle
Визуально обнаружена трещина на перегородке теплообменника
noizyboy posted an update in the group
Visual Inspection 3 years ago
noizyboy posted an update in the group
Visual Inspection 3 years ago
doug posted an update in the group
Visual Inspection 4 years ago