Reply To: Acceptance criteria of Visual inspection for steam boiler

  • Visual Inspection


    28/11/2021 at 5:07 pm

    You are speaking about “porosity, undercut, undersized weld”, so the acceptance criteria you need is about welds. Which section or part of the ASME are you speaking about?
    If you are speaking about ASME BPV code sect. VIII div. 1 the Subsection B part UW, paragraphs UW-33, UW-35, UW-36 can help you.
    If you are speaking about ASME BPV code sect. III div. 1 the Subsection NB Article NB-4000 paragraphs from NB-4400 can help you.
    If you are speaking about ASME BPV code sect. I the part PW paragraphs PW-33, PW-34, PW-35 and PW-36 can help you