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Inspection of thermite welding of Railway
Inspection of thermite welding of Railway
I need help from experts in the field of inspection of thermite welds on Vignole rails in service.
in fact my client asks me to carry out an ultrasonic check on more than 3000 welding points in ultrasonic service, the problem is not here, my problem is that the reference documents are not available, after the research that I did I find the following standards:
EN 14730-1 Railway applications-track aluminothrmic of welding of rails
EN 13674-1 Railway application-track-rail 1: vignole railway rails 46kg / m and aboveon the EN 14730-1 standard the control procedure and the acceptance criteria are available, but the details of the reference block are missing,
on standard EN 13674-1 the reference block available but this standard concerns the rails during manufacture, and not welding
my question is as follows, could you please give me technical support which standard i can use for this type of control?
can I use the above standards,
is there any other standard for the manufacture of rail reference blocksI count on your contribution and I thank you in advance
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