MMA/SMAW/stick welding/flux shielded arc welding

  • MMA/SMAW/stick welding/flux shielded arc welding

    Posted by luna on 13/10/2021 at 10:20 pm

    Manual metal arc welding, also known as stick welding, shielded arc welding or flux shielded arc welding was invented in the late 19th century. The arc is struck between an electrode flux coated metal rod and the work piece, which both heat to form the weld. As the rod and workpiece heat up, the flux coating melts simultaneously to form gas and slag which protects the weld from the atmosphere. After the run is complete, the solidified slag must be removed from the weld bead.

    MMA welding has many benefits – the equipment required is affordable and easy to transport, an external gas source is not required and it is an easier skill to acquire so more people are available for work. It also has disadvantages – the electrode rod must be replaced frequently, which means that only short weld runs can take place. Weld penetration is low, more waste is produced, slag must be removed post weld run and the quality of the finish depends entirely on the welder’s skill.

    luna replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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