Best color palette for corrosion mapping and reporting

  • Best color palette for corrosion mapping and reporting

    Posted by NDT-Inspect on 13/12/2022 at 8:39 am

    The best color palette for corrosion mapping will depend on the specific requirements and goals of the project. In general, however, it is important to choose a color palette that is clear, easy to read, and provides enough contrast to highlight areas of corrosion or other defects. Some common color palettes that are often used for corrosion mapping include:

    • Red-yellow-green: This color palette uses shades of red, yellow, and green to indicate different levels of corrosion. Red is typically used to indicate severe corrosion, yellow is used for moderate corrosion, and green is used for minimal or no corrosion.

    • Blue-green-yellow-red: This color palette uses shades of blue, green, yellow, and red to indicate different levels of corrosion. Blue is used to indicate no corrosion, green is used for minimal corrosion, yellow is used for moderate corrosion, and red is used for severe corrosion.

    • Black-white-gray: This color palette uses shades of black, white, and gray to indicate different levels of corrosion. Black is used to indicate severe corrosion, white is used for minimal or no corrosion, and gray is used for intermediate levels of corrosion.

    • Other color palettes: There are many other color palettes that can be used for corrosion mapping, depending on the specific requirements of the project. Some other options include using different shades of a single color to indicate different levels of corrosion, or using colors that are specific to the type of material or coating being evaluated. It is also possible to create custom color palettes by combining different colors and shades in a way that is optimized for the project at hand.

    NDT-Inspect replied 1 year, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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