Phased Array Ultrasonics (PAUT)
Welcome to [NDT Inspection Portal]’s phased array ultrasonics (PAUT) group, a place for professionals... View more
PAUT on Plastics? Weld inspection?
PAUT on Plastics? Weld inspection?
PAUT, or phased array ultrasonic testing, is a non-destructive testing method that uses ultrasonic waves to detect defects or inconsistencies in materials. It is commonly used to inspect metals, but it can also be used on certain types of plastics. In general, plastics that are homogeneous and have a consistent thickness can be inspected using PAUT.
However, the technique may not be effective on plastics with complex shapes or varying thicknesses. To determine whether PAUT can be used to inspect a specific type of plastic, it is best to consult with a qualified engineer or technician who has experience with this testing method.
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